

In today's automotive industry, the need for innovation has never been greater. Customer demands and supply chains are changing every day. Competition remains fierce around the world, and ever-evolving regulatory issues continue to be a major concern for today’s companies.

Our professionals draw on extensive global resources and the experience gained from consulting engagements in both the Asia Pacific and globally. We remain at the forefront of the conversation by providing perspective on trends, opportunities, and issues that affect your business.

BDO is a specialised automotive service provider assisting franchised dealers, manufacturers and industry associations with a wide range of financial and consulting services. With extensive hands-on experience in car dealership tax planning, advisory and business services we have developed proficient programs, systems and methods of analysis that are unique and relevant to dealers. Our leaders have acted for many motor vehicle, truck, agricultural, caravan, marine equipment and motorcycle dealerships.


Matthew Cutt

International Liaison Partner
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